LAND FOR GAUSHALA – Under the “ZINDAGI BHAR GAU SEVA” project, a proposal has been passed to open aGAUSHALA on 5100 square land . It will be completed in the next 5 years. The cost of 5100 square yards of land required for the project is Rs 500 per square yard. The total cost of the land is Rs 25.50 lakh. You can be involved in providing the above proposed land in the following ways:-
- 1sqyard -Rs 500
- 10sqyards-Rs 5000
- 20sqyards-Rs10000
- 50sqyards-Rs25000
- 100 sqyards-Rs 50000
- 200sqyards-Rs1 Lakh
- 500sqyards-Rs2.5 Lakh
- 1000sqyards-Rs 5 Lakh
- 2000sqyards-Rs10 Lakh
- 5100sqyards-Rs25.5 Lakh(completed land for project)